Definitions used in the Terms and Conditions have the following meaning:

      1. Customer – a natural person, legal person or organisational unit not being a legal person which has been granted legal capacity by special regulations, that places Orders through the Shop;
      2. Consumer – pursuant to Art. 22[1] of the Civil Code means a natural person performing a legal activity with an entrepreneur, not directly related with his/her business or professional activity.
      3. Civil Code – the Act of 23 April 1964 (Journal of Laws No. 16, item 93 as subsequently amended).
      4. The Terms and Conditions – the Terms and Conditions of providing services electronically through the online shop Pawpol.
      5. Online shop (the Shop) – Internet service available at the www.pawpol.com.pl throughwhich the Customer may in particular place Orders.
      6. Sales Agreement – Sales Agreement of the Goods in the meaning of the Civil Code, concluded between [the entity running the online Shop] and the Customer, concluded with the use of the Internet service of the Shop.
      7. The Act on consumer rights – the Act on consumer rights of 30 May 2014 (Journal of Laws of 2014, item 827).
      8. The Act on provision of services electronically – the Act on provision of services electronically of 18 July 2002 (Journal of Laws No. 144, item 1204 as subsequently amended).
      9. Order – Customer’s statement of will, with the direct intention to conclude a Sales Agreement, stipulating in particular the type and amount of the Goods.
§ 1 General terms
The Terms and Conditions stipulate the terms and conditions of making use of the online shop Pawpol Hurtownia Obuwia, run by Paweł Filipowicz, carrying out business activity as FHU “PAWPOL” Paweł Filipowicz, ul. Galaktyczna 32a, 80-299 Gdańsk, NIP 586-105-36-38, REGON 191510879, registered in the Entrepreneurs’ Register – Central Records and Information on Business Activity (CEIDG) maintained by the Minister of Economy, and in particular they determine the rules for placing orders and concluding sales agreements, with the use of distance communication means, as well as the use by Customers of services through the online Shop. The Customer has to register, which explicitly means approval of the general terms of sales. Registration means the provision of one’s contact details necessary to execute the order and the creation of a login and a password in order to log onto the page. The registration is free of charge. All the data sent by the Customer to our Company is protected pursuant to the Act on personal data protection of 29 August 1997 (Journal of Laws of 1997, No. 133, item 883). The data will be used by our Company only in order to execute the order, that is to deliver the Parcel to the Customer and to receive the payment; this data will not be made available to third persons. The provisions of the Civil Code will apply to any matters not covered by these Terms and Conditions.
§ 2 Sales
We offer only wholesale. A minimum order is one collective package of a given article, defined separately for every product. In the case of a shortage of the ordered goods, the Customer will be immediately informed of this. It may happen that some of the items presented on the page may be already sold out, for which we sincerely apologise. All prices are quoted in PLN net (per one item). VAT is added automatically after adding the products to the basket. A VAT invoice is issued for every order.
§ 3 Orders Orders may be placed by three methods:
- on the web page via the e-basket
- by telephone +48500095417
- by e-mail at the address pawpol@pawpol.com.pl
§ 4 Payments
Depending on the value of the order, the selected form of delivery and your own preferences, you may choose one of the following payment methods:
- COD - you pay by cash on delivery of the goods
- Transfer - wpayment should be made to our bank account. After booking of the payment on our account, we will commence the realisation of the order.
Details for the transfer: "PAWPOL" Paweł Filipowicz, ul. Galaktyczna 32A, 80-299 Gdańsk, NIP 586-105-36-38.
Bank name: PKOBP ODDZIAŁ 17 GDYNIA Account number or IBAN: PL 59144010260000000000365912 (Please send the transfer confirmation to the e-mail address: pawpol@pawpol.com.pl)
The first order from a new Customer will be performed ONLY ON A CASH ON DELIVERY BASIS. Subsequent orders will be performed in accordance with your choice: transfer or COD.
§ 5 Delivery date and cost
- Ordered goods are shipped in Poland or abroad via a courier company: DPD Polska. The cost of delivery amounts to PLN 12 gross per parcel. The above cost of delivery is binding only within Poland.
FREE of charge delivery for an order of a minimum 2 cartons of goods within Poland.
The goods are shipped after confirmation of the order, maximally up to 24 hours of the payment receipt in our bank account or confirmation of shipment on COD basis, excluding bank holidays and holidays. The Customer is always informed about our acceptance of the order and shipment of the parcel. The purchased goods are delivered to the address indicated in the order. The cost of delivery is covered by the Principal and it amounts to PLN 12 gross (parcel up to 30 kg). The delivery cost of PLN 12 gross is binding only for the shipment within Poland, and in the case of other location outside Poland, please first contact us via telephone or e-mail prior to payment. The Shop will bear no liability for an incorrectly filled out order form, as a result of which the shipment was not delivered to the Customer. In such a case, the Customer should cover the additional costs of shipment. The order will be executed on the condition that the goods are available in the warehouse or at the Shop’s suppliers. In the case of a shortage of a part of the goods subject to the order, the Customer will be immediately informed about the order status and will make a decision about the method of its realisation.
Under extraordinary circumstances, the costs of delivery may be changed, about which the Customer will be informed prior to shipment of the order. The Shop will bear no liability for late delivery of the parcel by the courier company. In the case, when the parcel is damaged, you should prepare in the presence of the courier, a damage report and contact us as soon as possible. Checking of the parcel at delivery is a necessary condition for accepting possible claims arising from the damage or theft from the parcel in transit. Accepting the parcel without reservations by the Customer results in the expiration of any claims arising from loss or physical damage.
§ 6 Complaints
In the case, when the parcel is damaged, you should prepare a damage report in the presence of the courier and contact us as soon as possible. Checking of the parcel at delivery is a necessary condition for accepting any possible claims arising from the damage or theft from the parcel in transit. – Accepting the parcel without reservations by the Customer will result in the expiration of any claims arising from loss or physical damage. – The damaged goods will be exchanged for new, full value goods. If this is not possible (for example due to running out of stock), the Shop will return to the Customer the equivalent of the goods’ price or will offer to select from other goods available at the Shop. – The Customer returns the goods at his / her own cost. The Shop does not accept any parcels sent on COD basis.
§ 7 Personal data protection
In accordance with Art. 12 section 1 of the Regulation of the European Parliament and the Council (EU) 2016/679 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation) dated 27 April 2016 (EU Official Journal L No. 119, page 1), we advise that: the Controller of personal data is "PAWPOL" Paweł Filipowicz, ul. Galaktyczna 32A, 80-299 Gdańsk, NIP 586-105-36-38, REGON 191510879, registered in the Entrepreneurs’ Register – Central Records and Information on Business Activity (CEIDG), e-mail: pawpol@pawpol.com.pl, tel. +48500095417. Personal data will be processed on the basis of the concluded agreement, in order to fulfil the legal obligations placed upon the Controller and on the basis of the legally justified interest of PAWPOL [that is on the basis of Art. 6 section 1 letter b, c and f GDPR]. If processing of the data takes place on the basis of the granted consent, you have the right to withdraw it at any time without influence on the compliance with the law of the processing that was carried out under the consent prior to its withdrawal. Detailed information on the purposes, basis for processing, period during which the data will be processed and the rights you are entitled to, may be found in the Privacy Policy and cookies.
Wishing you successful purchases at our Shop!